Black Girl Fly: Embrace Purpose + Build Wealth

Check Yo Self

Tenisha & Tashaunda Season 5 Episode 13

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Join Ava and Tashaunda in a conversation about shaping our futures and preparing for a mental shift. In addition to preparing for our futures, the ladies take a walk down memory lane discussing how the 90s misled us on what's truly important by ensuring Smokey the Bear gave us all fire safety lessons. They also dive into becoming lifelong learners and thinking about work differently. 

00:23 Introductions 

00:54 Ava shares an IG post

03:10 Mastering the moment versus preparing for the future 

06:30 Can we get a redo on life? 

07:34 Rethinking education

11:46 Rethinking workspaces 

14:20 The purpose of school

16:05 Outros

Instagram:  @blackgirlflyofficial

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Speaker 1  0:25  
Welcome back to another episode of Black Girl fly. I'm your girl, Eva Marie.

Unknown Speaker  0:29  
And I'm Shawna Dixon.

Speaker 1  0:31  
And today, we are going to talk about the future. We're gonna talk about how we're shaping the future. And I don't know, I think you have some really good insights on this show, but I just want to share something that's thought Instagram

Unknown Speaker  0:51  
followers, you know,

Speaker 1  0:53  
credible, informational quite place. Without it was a little real, you know, about 50 100 years old. I think that's what it's cool with a little video. And it was going through, like, if you grew up in the 90s. Why, and then went through all these examples about how we were taught that the world would be one of which we thought that fires were going to be a real big thing, this drop and roll campaign. Oh, yes. Smokey the Bear, don't be the bear. These people were really just letting us like, you have never seen a fire in my whole entire life. But I feel like they were just really preparing for something that was going to happen.

Speaker 2  1:47  
And it's so funny that you brought this up. So I was talking about so one of the things going on in my head, I kind of talked about this in a couple episodes is I'm going How can I prepare my kids for a space where work doesn't look the same as like, like I grew up, I'll just give you an example. So they're coming out. Now. Everybody's talking about AI. I don't know if you are familiar with current headlines. But basically, there's an agreement that says, stop working on AI, because we're afraid is going to take over the world because we can't control it. If we put it out there that that is a real thing right now check it out, guys. But so I'm like trying to so I realize that I have been living my life planning for my kids as if their current state will be what I grew up in. And so I'm now acknowledging, like, I need to have a mental shift, and what's important, what's not important? And all of those things? Is that where you're going with kind of

Speaker 1  2:47  
that you took to a real place. Let's say that, that real has other things, but I will hold because you've hit on something quite significant. But no, no need, though. Because I never really thought about that either. Like, I mean, we I think we're in our mind, and even for us what about our future because our future is gonna be that too. And so I think that at least I can say, for me, I'm so focused on how do i Master the moment, and I'm thinking about what my future is going to look like. And the types of things that I'm going to have to compete with as somebody in the workforce or somebody, you know, just in the changing world, and then adding that layer for you to shine to the world your kids are gonna grow up into. So that's yeah, that's scary.

Speaker 2  3:44  
So it was funny, though, so So one of those things was thinking back to the 90s. So I grew up in this space where I don't know if you remember, but when I was young, we have arcs in school, we had sports in school, we had all these things in school, and they stripped it out while I was still in school. So we didn't really have so I remember, actually in my high school, a cup I think it was like just a couple years where I went to high school, they like had home back where they repeat for people how to cook. And by the time I get to high school, they pulled it out. And I saw I was thinking about things like that, like I was like, I think it is really amazing that we decided to pull out like a whole back class because the one thing that you have to do every day is feed yourself like an AI today in this period of time. I know people who forget people, I was looking at the can of peas, and I forget it streamings and I was looking at corn

Speaker 1  4:41  
and I was like they have no nutritional value.

Speaker 2  4:45  
And and I'm giving that example because taking care of yourself and understanding food is super critical to your success as a as a female to being healthy. So your your lifespan to All those things that I was like, I have to teach my kids about what is something so simple as what are actually healthy vegetables, all the rules aren't healthy. So it's not a good idea. In my case, I was teaching, I was making my kids eat these peas. And I'm like, why am I making these? You know, just kind of giving that round of thinking about things that will be important in my all speak to career. I talked to you guys earlier in the season about doing a nomad year. I'm now orchestrator and planning that Nomad time, and how I want to go through my decision points. And the reason that's important is because my career is no longer constrained by location. So if, in 2023, my career isn't constrained by location, what does that mean, for my child? Who's eight months? Right? What does it mean for my child to stab it? By like, I might need to help them think about how that ought to structure their life in a way that they won't be limited by things that are not actual limitations anymore.

Speaker 1  6:07  
Yeah, no, that's so good. Like. And that's like, a tangible example. Like, if they're gonna be growing up in a world where I mean, all work is remote work, like, Yeah, I think that would be great that you're venturing to that space. And I love the examples that you gave. And as you were talking, I was like, dang, I want to redo redo a life for like, I mean, we can always start today that there's a saying that, you know, when is the best time to plant a tree 20 years ago, that we can all agree on that. But when is the next best time today? Today? So I mean, I think that's the philosophy on that, that you have me thinking about. But, you know, I've shared on the podcast, like, I've been in the education space. I'm not a believer in the education system. I mean, it was designed to do exactly the things that we're doing that it's doing. And I think that people's expectations of what it's supposed to do is actually what is misaligned. And the more that I think about, you know, I've always thought about that in the context of, of, you know, future kids, but how am I living that way today? Like, if I don't believe in that, like, how am I countering that narrative with how I live,

Speaker 2  7:34  
think about that, even to the where you are, like, we grew up in a space that trained us that education was, you know, elementary, middle, high school, college, maybe graduated, maybe you got a PhD or whatever.

Speaker 3  7:47  
But what I'm finding today is that I need to be learning something every day, just then how technology is shaping how the environment is changing.

Speaker 2  7:57  
I actually, I realized that I wasn't keeping up with the time from a news perspective. And so I get, I'm gonna see if I get some affiliate money here, but I get a daily like a daily update on the morning, let's like they give you like a quick, it should be like a 1520 minute read on what's current, what's going on. And I found that to be so helpful, like trying to fit that in. I'm giving that to you as an example. Because I think that we have to remind ourselves, that the constraints that we grew up in education wise, it doesn't just apply to your children, that applies to yourself, and figuring out how you incorporate that into your your daily life and knowing that that's necessary, even though that wasn't a way that you were raised, like I think about growing up, my mom wanted to continue her own education, but only to the idea of college, or to the idea of something she missed out in her earlier time. And I don't think she ever was it displayed to me that she understood that learning was a lifelong journey.

Speaker 1  9:04  
Does that make sense? Yeah, man, she say that. Yeah. And I feel like I heard that term thrown around sometimes, but not in a way that like I truly understand now, like, like what you're talking about? I mean, I never had a business class in college. Does that mean, I never learned anything about business. And for a long time, that's what I meant. For a long time, I didn't learn anything, because I didn't necessarily have to. And I wasn't in school for that, right. But if you want to run a business, you better learn something about business, you better read a book, you better talk to people, you better watch some videos, read some articles. And that's the other thing I want to say is that, you know, we were taught, to me at least that education was about books and an instructor. And that's the only way that you could facilitate learning right? that you weren't going

Unknown Speaker  10:01  
to learn, you know?

Speaker 1  10:03  
Yes. Yeah. And so I think all of that now has been shattered. And so I imagine like how that would even be different going forward. Yeah, like, are we gonna have schools especially,

Speaker 2  10:16  
I actually, I have a friend on Facebook, who I think is the coolest thing. I hope she hears this podcast one time, because I'm so like admiring her from afar. But she has a daughter, her daughter's probably about 12. And she started homeschooling her daughter while she is. In, you know, she worked for a corporation. And her job requires that she, like travel all across the world. And so she actually decided that she was going to homeschool her daughter. And so in her, what I'm seeing is that she's actually bringing her daughter with her. They're traveling the world together. And she's like, Oh, she showed their agenda for the plane ride. So they're going there on a plane for, in some cases, 20 hours, right. And so they do lessons on the plane rides there. She's a, she has incorporated her daughter into her work. So she showed a clip of her daughter giving a presentation to her employees. And I just think that that is the coolest thing. Like she is really taking this spirit of work looks differently. Even learning looks differently. Like it doesn't have to have to be this this isolated way of doing this. That I believe that her daughter is learning so much from the experiences that she's having. So I live stuff.

Speaker 1  11:39  
Yes, yes, yes. And I love how you describe that. Because I think that's the shift. It's like this work life balance, like COVID, COVID, COVID Blue that there used to be work those three school there used to be? Yeah, now it's all the same. And I think that workplaces need to change to be more. I mean, we're, we want to bring our whole selves to work.

Speaker 2  12:10  
I clicked to the office today, and one of my colleagues has a daughter sitting next to her at a desk, and they're not at work or whatever. But she works like that super cool.

Speaker 1  12:23  
In that, in that sense, think the direction we're going I don't know what it's gonna be in 20 years, you know, when the Liberals are, are grown. But I think for the immediate term, I think we need to challenge ourselves. So thinking about work differently and embrace the change, I think is kind of scary. But I think there's no man here is a great, great example of that. And, yeah, I feel challenged and reimagining how this looks. But I think that that's going to help with alignment overall. Yeah, but

Speaker 2  12:57  
a lot of knocked out more wall. So it's not just about education. Like I told you, I talked about, like learning like about cookie. Like, I think the I think my kids, I need to figure out how to get back into the cookie. I'm worried about like, what,

Unknown Speaker  13:10  
like your kids loved. So one of them loves to cook.

Speaker 2  13:19  
But like giving them more indulging that more and making that a part of the curriculum, like right now it's like fun. Like, she's like, Oh, can I cook? I'm like, Yes, the one and one can't cook a thing. And it's an interesting thing. But I'm saying like, thinking about rethinking about what's important, like not just school wise, but likewise, I was talking to someone and I was like, it's amazing to me. The number of people that I see the younger generations who don't have a concept of what life used to be like someone was on it was a real I think that I was watching. And a person was like, Wouldn't it be cool? If you like have like a phone for your family like at your house? And there was commentary? Someone was coming in on this day, like what do you mean, like a house phone? Like that thing? It existed and you have no idea

Speaker 1  14:12  
what that is dinosaurs over here. House? Oh.

Speaker 2  14:20  
But But my point is, though, is that I think that we over inflated the need for the math the like, I still have not used calculus outside of school. Every life?

Speaker 1  14:33  
Well, it is a fact that I think it was FDR who was Rockefeller Rockefeller created schools like to create the workforce like that is the purpose of schools. And that's when I say like, I think our expectations as the consumers of public education have that messed up And this is why I think things like Publix, like private schools emerged. there if you notice their curriculum is different, like, and that is by design. And I don't think that it's as far as it could go in terms of like life skills. But there certainly is a departure from, you know, in the public school system because it was designed to create the future workforce that was working in factories and need to be conditioned to do mundane tasks day in and day out and be contented with that.

Speaker 2  15:35  
That's good. So I'm just saying, reimagine your future, right? You got homework, okay. I got a lot of work. We do a little like thing I need to take,

Unknown Speaker  15:47  
but I need to take the audience though,

Speaker 2  15:50  
is reimagine your future. Take off the constraints that you had, and I'd apply that to all aspects of your life. Like,

Speaker 1  15:58  
check yourself. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. All right, y'all